



We rejoice with you that God has chosen to bless you with a new member of your family. Giving thanks to God for our children is a right and appropriate thing to do for God tells us in his word that children are a gift from him. The following information explains the two ways you can give thanks to God for your child in our church.

The Thanksgiving and Naming Service

What is it? 

The Thanksgiving and Naming service is an opportunity for families to publicly give thanks to God for their child, name them, and to ask God’s blessing on their lives. 

What Happens? 

During the service, the family bring the child out to the front of the church. The child is named and the family and members of the church pray, thanking God for the child and asking for God’s protection and blessing. A small gift and commemorative certificate is given to the family. 

 Preparation Requirements

Parents are visited by the minister or a representative of the church to arrange the service and to give a brief explanation of what it means to be a Christian.


What is Baptism? 

Baptism was introduced by Jesus as a practice for committed Christians. It is important to realise at this this point that a Christian is not simply a good person. There are many ‘good’ people who are not Christians. A Christian is someone who is totally committed to


that Jesus Christ is Lord, believe that Jesus Christ is saviour and believe that Jesus is their Lord and saviour.


in the way that pleases God. Being a Christian is not only about believing, but also about knowing how our beliefs affect the way we live. The Bible says a lot about what it means to be a follower of the Lord Jesus and one of the marks of following Jesus sincerely is a desire to live the kind of life He commands.


to the family of God. Those who trust in Jesus also are also part of God’s family. Following Jesus is not something one does alone. Through Jesus God saves people individually, but He does so in order to make us His people. In the baptism service parents commit themselves to full participation in the community of God’s people to assist in raising their child to know, trust and follow Jesus (Believing, Behaving). The child is baptised on the understanding that he/she will be actively brought up as part of a Christian family and as a member of the Christian church (Belonging).

 What Baptism is Not 

Baptism itself does not make a child right with God. The Bible is clear that this privilege is only for those who sincerely acknowledge their failure to treat God appropriately and who turn to Jesus for mercy and forgiveness. There is nothing magical or mysterious about baptism. It is simply a symbol of a person’s trust and dependence on Jesus and as such out not to be entered into lightly.

 What is Baptism? 

During the service, the family and godparents bring the child out to the front of the church. They publicly declare their own Christian belief and their intention to actively raise their child to trust and follow Jesus. Water is sprinkled on the child. We pray for the child, parents, and godparents, asking God to be at work in their lives and that He would help them to follow through on the commitments and promises they have made to him. A small gift and a certificate of baptism is given to the family. 

 Preparation Requirements

Parents are asked to undertake a series of six (6) sessions of a course called Christianity Explored which explains what it means to be a Christian, and to commit to full participation in the life of their local Christian community. The preparation for Baptism also includes attendance at church on Sundays for a minimum of six (6) weeks. Once you’ve finished Christianity Explored and feel that the baptism service represents your own convictions about Jesus, then we will confirm a date for your child’s baptism. 

‘Just a Minute…’

‘What if we’re not regular members of any church’? 

If you aren’t already attending church regularly perhaps now is a good time to start. You may in fact be surprised and find it a useful and enjoyable experience. While it is true going to church doesn’t make us a Christian, those who truly trust in Jesus (believing), and seek to live His way (behaving) actually see the necessity of meeting regularly with other Christians to hear God’s Word, to pray and to be encouraged to serve Him, (belonging). Coming to church each week is something they both want and need to do. 

We realise, however that not everyone is ready to make such a commitment but may still wish to give thanks to God for their child with us. In this case we suggest you consider the Thanksgiving and Naming Service as the best option for you and your family. You will receive no less of a welcome from our church family and we’d look forward to sharing time with you. 

‘What if my partner and I aren’t married’? 

For the sake of providing a long term and stable environment for your child, it is important you are married before proceeding with Baptism. The ministers at St John’s would be happy to discuss this issue with you further. Non-married couples are welcome to proceed with the Thanksgiving and Naming Service. 

 ‘We want our child done in three weeks time please’ 

The family will all be here!! We are afraid that this is simply not possible. There is much to organise and our program is rather full. We need to avoid clashes and to fit in with the rest of what is happening in our church community. It is vital that you talk with the ministers before making any firm plans.

‘What if we live away from Tamworth?

That is fine as far as the Thanksgiving Service is concerned, but if you want your child baptised you will need a reference from your local minister. That reference will need to bear witness to your membership of that church and to your Christian convictions and practice.

 ‘My spouse really is not interested’. 

As long as one of you is able to make the promises in the Baptism service with honesty and integrity, then there should be no problems. Single parents are welcome to proceed with Baptism as long as they are prepared to undergo the usual preparation requirements. 

 ‘What about Godparents’? 

Godparents are not needed for the Thanksgiving and Naming Service and are not compulsory when a child is baptised. However, with regard to baptism, it is nearly always a good thing to have other friends or family charged with helping you oversee the Christian upbringing of your child. They with you share in the commitments undertaken and can be a great Christian encouragement to you and your child as the years pass. For this reason is important to choose your godparents carefully.

‘Can we have our child baptised outside normal church times? 

This simply is not possible. An important part of the baptism service concerns the regular members of the congregation welcoming and praying for your child. This of course means that baptism does not make much sense unless the local members of God’s family are present. 

‘Is there a fee for the Thanksgiving or Baptism Service? 

No. Parents should not feel obligated in this respect.

 The Next Step…

Having considered carefully the above information, your next step will be to contact us and to arrange a meeting or better still come to one our Sunday services (our 10:30am Family service for example). We will discuss what you would like to do and we will proceed from there. This will also be an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have. 

 We look forward to hearing from you soon.