
Here at St John's we believe in expository preaching from God's Word (the Bible) and each term our sermon series mainly follows a book of the Bible to help us understand and apply God’s Word today so that we can glorify God and be effective disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. We have two services every Sunday morning, each with a different style.

8:30am COMMUNION Service

 A traditional Prayer Book Anglican service. Each time we meet together we devote a good amount of time to readings from Scripture, (with readings from the Old Testament, Psalms, Gospels and Epistles). This service also has Holy Communion (also known as the Lord's Supper), using the 2nd Order Service from the Prayer Book of Australia. This service tends to run for an hour and fifteen minutes. There is a genuine warmth of friendship and fellowship among congregation members and we share in morning tea together immediately following the service.

10:30am Family Service  

A contemporary service for all ages. We sing mostly contemporary worship songs and celebrate Holy Communion twice a month. It is important to us that our children are exposed to what ‘the grown ups’ do in church, so our after they hear their weekly children’s talk, they stay in church for our Bible Readings. They also learn to say our historic creeds with their parents, then they are encouraged to attend an age-appropriate ministry as the sermon begins. Following the service we have morning tea together.

9:30am Combined Service

On the fifth Sunday of each month both congregations come together for a Combined service of Holy Communion. At this service we normally have elements of the two services, so we have children’s ministry and a combination of traditional hymns with our organ and choir and contemporary spiritual songs with our 10:30am band (which consists of the Vicar!)


10:30am Mid Week Holy Communion Service (with prayers for healing if needed)

At this service Holy Scripture is read and explained, with an opportunity to confess our sins and be reminded of God’s wonderful grace as we share in Holy Communion together around the Lord’s Table. We also sing hymns and there is also an opportunity for those who would like to be anointed with oil and ask God for healing, (whether it be from sickness, sin, addictions, or various other trials). If you or someone you know needs healing from anything we would encourage you (and them) to come to this service.